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Optimize your lead batteries


Optimize your lead batteries Optimize your lead batteries starting from the MOP lead oxide.  Optimizing lead batteries is a long process. 💛 But lead oxide and plates are the heart of led batteries. Usually, investments are made in other production aspects to increase battery performance. But ultimately, results are often slow to come.

Optimize your lead batteries2024-04-16T14:01:05+02:00

Industry 5.0 and lead battery production


Industry 5.0 and lead battery production Thanks to CAM innovations you will be able to take advantage of many incentives The two-year period 2024/25 will be two years to allow an epochal change for your company. The United States and Europe have implemented important incentives for Industry 5.0

Industry 5.0 and lead battery production2024-04-11T16:38:27+02:00

Why basing the choice of suppliers based on price is (almost) always a problem


Why choosing suppliers based on price is (almost) always a problem In B2B, fortunately, choosing a supplier for a new produciton line is based on the lowest price 80% of the time. Unfortunately, 20% of the time, it's not. The question is this: "Would you entrust your children to a babysitter at the

Why basing the choice of suppliers based on price is (almost) always a problem2024-04-10T10:27:47+02:00

The benefits of Lead Acid Batteries


The latest issue of Best Magazine (Winter 2021 n.71) was published last week. Among the many interesting topics, there was an article dedicated to the opinions of battery industry professionals about whether the approach to the future of the lead acid battery industry should be based on changing peoples’ about lead batteries or promoting

The benefits of Lead Acid Batteries2024-02-20T15:56:29+01:00

Lead batteries: there is a FUTURE!


One topic which is surely in battery manufacturers’ and equipment suppliers’ minds during these uncertain times is what the future of lead acid batteries will look like. Well, we’ve done a little research, and have found some very interesting insights. In particular, according to the source Reports & Data, the outlook for the next

Lead batteries: there is a FUTURE!2024-02-20T15:56:55+01:00

Interesting take aways from the 17ELBC


Interesting take aways from the 17ELBC Unlike other ELBCs, this virtual 17ELBC gave CAM stand representatives the chance to actually follow the live sessions, an important opportunity which is not usually afforded those who man the booths, but which is no less important than for a battery manufacturer or researcher to attend, because it’s

Interesting take aways from the 17ELBC2024-02-20T15:58:01+01:00
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