XL Lead Shaving System – Product Overview

Product Name: LEAD SHAVING SYSTEM (for Lead Hog)

Product Description:

The Gas FREE Milling System

The LSS (Lead Shaving System) technology is made up of three devices:
– ingots conveyor
– Lead Shaver
– Shaved cylinder conveyor

Lead Shaving System is the first system that only requires only an electrical connection, water for cleaning the cutting tools (closed circuit), and air for moving the pistons.

Lead shavings are thus cold-cut from ingots or hogs to a size that makes them similar in every way to casted lead cylinders: H 25 mm Ø (25÷30) mm, weight (120÷150) g.

Our cold-cutting system avoids the mechanical stress caused by the compression system used in other, comparable equipment.

The Lead Shaver XL, comprising the use of lead shavings as feed material for ball mills, is a milling machine specifically designed to cold-cut shavings from 2000 lb lead hogs, and is based on the same functioning principal as the classic lead shaver

Functioning Principle

This machine produces lead shavings or gratings directly from the lead ingot, thus eliminating the need to melt lead, with great advantages, such as:

  •  ‘Just in time’ production, just press Start and wait for the shavings arrive in the mill silo.

  •  The lead foundry department is eliminated, with subsequent savings on energy costs for melting and holding molten lead during off-production hours.

  •  The depreciation of the plant is approximately 3 years.

  •  Lead pumps and transfer pipes have been eliminated

  • Savings on maintenance costs for maintenance of melt pots, burners, refracting material.

  • Dross produced by traditional melting process is eliminated, thus offering great advantages on special waste management.

  • Lead ingots no longer require special storage for protection from humidity.

  •  Working environment is improved due to elimination of molten lead exhaust and risk of burns.

The mechanical compression action of the cutting tool favours hardening of the surface of the shaving, which facilitates the abrasion process inside the mill.

Moreover, with the same action, the shaving is exposed to a compression and traction tension, which stresses and coarsens the shaving’s surface. In a short-time the surface begins to flake off inside the mill.

The particular shape of the lead shaving favours air flow all around and through it, thus providing a greater surface area to be oxidized, as compared to traditional lead slugs.

Product Layout:


Lead Shaving System Video

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