MOP30 Oxide Mill– Product Overview
MOP30 lead oxide mill has a production capacity of 30000 kg of lead oxide (PbO) in 24 hours, with an oxidation of 72% (± 2 points) and an acid absorption between (200÷260) mg H2SO4/g lead oxide.
The MOP30 lead oxide mill is equipped with a 30t capacity cylinder or shavings silo, an oxide mill climate chamber and a process baghouse with horizontally arranged sleeves. A PLC interfaced with an electrical control panel is supplied for the management and control of the oxide mill functions.
The MOP30 lead oxide mill produces only tetragonal lead oxide, CLICK HERE to read the article.
Cylinder/Shavings Silo
Silo with a nominal capacity of 30.000 kg, constructed with steel sheeting, with a support structure which stands on 3 points. The silo is equipped with a vibrating channel for loading the feed material into the oxide mill, as well as a weighing system.
Vibrating channel
The feeding system for loading cylinders or shavings into the oxide mill is made up of a vibrating channel designed by CAM over 30 years ago. This system adds the material 50 Kg at a time. This is done by continuous weighing of the silo by means of n. 3 load cells which also weigh the material in the vibrating system precisely.
Crown – Pinion gear drive
The CAM MOP series oxide mills were designed over 30 years ago with a crown and pinion drive system. This system is especially durable and reliable, considering that the first models of oxide mills are still working with their original crowns. We have never had to replace a crown in the history of CAM.
Climate chamber
CAM MOP30 is installed in a climate camber constructed using thick insulated sandwich panels. The chamber has the purpose of maintaining the flow of conditioned air, so as to prevent ‘cold spots’, and reducing the noise produced by the oxide mill.
Electrical Cabinet
The oxide mill is equipped with a general electrical control cabinet for process control. The control system is based on a Siemens or Rockwell PLC, developed to control the working conditions within a minimum range of variation, in order to assure a constant level of quantity and quality of the oxide produced. The software controls the automatic safety procedures in case of alarm activation, as well as weight, temperature and depression of the plant. The system also is equipped with an OP panel with graphic functions which allows the visualization of working conditions and of the plant, facilitating process control for the operators.
The control cabinet can be equipped with a SCADA system which allows online monitoring of the entire process.
CAM process filter
Automatic, 2 stage bag house filter to collect lead oxide dust and to filter exhaust air. Lead emissions at filter exit lower than 0.5 mg/m3. The bag house consists of the following items:
408 high temperature resistant bags
Main exhaust fan takes air from the oxide mill and regulates the air flow by means of an inverter which controls the rotation speed of the fan.
Automatic contra-flow cleaning system with a pulsating shuttle blower.
Alarm controls for temperature and high differential pressure inside the bag house.
Bag house support structure with relative access stairs and catwalks
If you want to see how a CAM process filter works CLICK HERE
Data Sheet:
PRODUCTION: (27÷30) t/d
MOP30 OXIDE MILL DIMENSIONS: L 5300 x W 15326 x H 7350 [mm]
Lead Oxide Properties:
Free lead 27±3%
Grain Size < 44 mm: (94÷98) %
Mean particle size (1.8÷2.5) mm
Apparent SCOTT density (1,00÷1,10) g/cm³
Tamped density Ind. (2,9÷3,3) g/cm³ – automotive: (2,5÷2,9) g/cm³
Water absorption: (10.5÷12.5) cm³ >H2O/100g of water
Sulfuric acid absorption: (220÷260) mg H2SO4/g PbO
Reactivity to sulfuric acid (20÷60) s
Cooling Water: 1200 l/h; pressure (2÷3) bar; Inlet temperature (18÷25)°C;
Product Layout:

MOP30 Plant Overview
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