CAM MOP 14 Ball Mill – Product Overview

The CAM MOP14 is a ball mill with a production capacity of 14.000 Kg (±6%) of lead oxide (PbO) in 24 hours, with an oxidation of 72% (±3 points) and an acid absorption between (230÷260) mg H2SO4/gr PbO. The CAM MOP14 is equipped with a 48 t capacity cylinder silo, a mill climate room and a process baghouse with horizontally arranged sleeves. A PLC interfaced with an electrical control panel is supplied for the management and control of the mill functions

Product Sheet:


Properties of Lead Oxide (PbO):

Free lead: 27±3%
Grain Size < 44 μm: (94÷98)%
Mean particle size: (1.8÷2.5) μm
Apparent SCOTT density (1,00÷1,10) g/cm
Tamped density: Ind.(2,9÷3,3) gr/cm Avv.(2,5÷2,9) g/cm
Water absorption: (10.5÷12.5) cm³ >H2O/100g oxide
Sulfuric acid absorption: (230÷260) mg H2SO4/g PbO
Reactivity to sulfuric acid: (20÷60) s
Cam 4N4 Curing Chamber